Wedding Music for Mandolin by Dix Bruce is a Book/Audio set that includes 23 of the most popular and best-loved wedding hits for intermediate and advanced mandolinists. The music includes standard notation, mandolin tablature, chords for mandolin and guitar, plus online play-along audio recordings of all the songs!
- Traditional wedding songs
- Easy classical pieces
- Two “Ave Maria” melodies
- Favorite Italian, Irish, Jewish, and English songs.
Book or eBook with downloadable audio
This book is sold by Mel Bay Publications.
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Click here to see a video about Wedding Music for Mandolin.
Sample pages:
Bridal Chorus (processional)
Ave-Maria (Schubert)
Sample audio:
Bridal Chorus.mp3
Complete song list:
Arioso (Bach)
Ash Grove, The (Welsh/English song)
Ave Maria (Bach / Gounod)
Ave Maria (Schubert)
Bridal Chorus (Wagner)
Canon in D (Pachelbel)
Caro Mio Ben (Giordani)
Danny Boy (Traditional Irish tune)
Fanfare-Rondeau (Mouret)
Fayne Would I Wedd (Farnaby)
Gymnopedie #1 (Satie)
Hava Nagila (Traditional Jewish tune)
I Love You Truly (Jacobs-Bond)
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach)
Ode to Joy (Beethoven)
Oh Promise Me (DeKoven & Scott)
Pathetique (Beethoven)
Shebeg and Sheemore (O’Carolan)
Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach)
Sleepers Awake (Bach)
Tarantella (Traditional Italian tune)
Wedding March Recessional (Mendelssohn)
Wedding Waltz, The (Dix Bruce)