All-Time Favorite Parking Lot Picker’s Guitar Solos by Dix Bruce. 43 guitar solos of All-Time Favorite Bluegrass, Old-Time, and Gospel Songs! Aimed at beginning and intermediate guitarists, this book is packed with essential songs, solos, and techniques that every guitar player should know.
Available as a book or eBook.
This book is sold by Mel Bay Publications.
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Additional Details
• Songs, solos, & techniques every guitar player should know!
• Melodies • Tablature • Chords • Standard flatpicking solos
• Carter style solos • Back up guitar parts • Crosspicking solos
• Closed position, moveable, transposable solos
• Harmony parts • Transposing solos to other keys
• Fiddle tunes for guitar
• Solos using a partial capo/faux dropped D tuning
• Generic bass run solos • Solos in many different keys
• Moving solos to different regions of the guitar fingerboard
• Extensive instruction in technique
• 96 pages packed with 43 solos
• Illustrated with photos of new, rare, and antique guitars
• Recordings of EVERY solo on the CD at both slow and regular speeds
Printed music includes melodies, tablature, chords, and all the solos are recorded at both slow and regular speeds on the downloadable audio. Songs are from from the best selling Parking Lot Picker’s Songbook Guitar Edition. See the list of solos below.
Though it’s a book of solos and not specifically a guitar method book All Time Favorite Parking Lot Picker’s Guitar Solos teaches several techniques that all guitar players should be familiar with. The book includes extensive information on moving solos to different keys across and up and down the fingerboard. You’ll learn back up guitar parts to play behind singers. You’ll practice taking a simple melody and turning it into a fancy cross picking solo. You’ll learn more advanced variations to simple solos, even “arpeggio’” and bluesy solos. And, you’ll learn to play in a variety of different keys. What are you waiting for? Order yours today!
Play mandolin too? We also have a wonderful collection of solos for mandolin entitled All Time Favorite Parking Lot Picker’s Mandolin Solos by Dix Bruce. Like the guitar book/audio set, all the solos are on songs from the Parking Lot Picker’s Songbooks.
Sample Pages & Audio:
East Virginia Blues (Carter-style solo) .pdf
East Virginia Blues slow .mp3*
Green Pastures (Crosspicking solo) .pdf
Green Pastures slow .mp3*
*Note: We’ve only posted the slow version of the solo recordings. The full length up-to-speed versions are on the book’s downloadable audio.
Table of Contents:
Banks of the Ohio Carter-style
East Virginia Blues Carter-style
Late Last Night Carter-style
Wildwood Flower
The flatpicker’s greatest hit Wildwood Flower Melody
Wildwood Flower Harmony
Roll in My Sweet Baby’s Arms Solo in open A
Shady Grove Mixed solo in Dm modal
Lonesome Valley Vocal backup
Bury Me Beneath the Willow Soloing in open D
Molly & Tenbrooks Carter-style
There’s More Pretty Girls Than One Mixed note waltz
Cripple Creek Fiddle tune
The Crawdad Song Backup part
All the Good Times are Past and Gone Double stops
Jimmie Brown the Newsboy Carter-style classic
Wild Bill Jones Carter-style in A
Footprints in the Snow Eighth note Solo
Katy Cline Open A Solo
Little Maggie Mixed quarter and eighth notes
Little Sadie Mixed quarter and eighth notes, upper octave closed position
Man of Constant Sorrow Modal/bluesy solo in D
Nine Pound Hammer Mixed quarter and eighth notes
Sweet Sunny South Carter-style
Ground Hog Mixed eighth and quarter notes
Reuben’s Train Partial capo/faux dropped D
Generic G Run Solo Generic D Run Solo
Little Birdie Carter-style
Will the Circle Be Unbroken Carter-style classic
Hop High Ladies Fiddle tune
Banks of the Ohio Crosspicking
John Henry Partial capo/faux dropped D
Little Rosewood Casket Transposing solos
Little Rosewood Casket Key of C
Little Rosewood Casket Key of F
Little Rosewood Casket Key of G
Wabash Cannonball Mixed quarter and eighth notes
Down in the Willow Garden Crosspicking
Wayfaring Stranger Minor key ballad Carter-style
Pretty Polly Partial capo/faux dropped
Old Joe Clark Fiddle tune
Precious Memories Crosspicking in D
Red Wing Carter-style
Green Pastures Crosspicking
Sally Goodin Fiddle tune

Click here to see a short video on the C major scale on Guitar. Scales are the basic element from which most melodies are derived. If you want to play melodies on the guitar it makes sense to know how scales are constructed and how to play them. This video will get you started with a simple C scale.